divendres, 16 de setembre del 2011


5€........... 529¥
2€............. 211¥
1€............ 105¥
0,50€........ 53¥
0,20€....... 22¥
0,10€..... 11¥
0,05€.... 5¥
0,02€.... 2¥
0,01€..... 1¥

dijous, 15 de setembre del 2011

Fruta y hortalizas

manzana............. apple
col.................... cabbage
melocoton..... pech
lima................. lime

dimecres, 14 de setembre del 2011

Spanish customs

let's talk about some of the most famous spanish customs:

1)greeting: when somebody introduce you a person or when you meet a friend you normally kiss the other person twice in his/her cheeks, one kiss on the right side and another on the left. Except if a man meets a man, in that case you only shake hands. You normally do the same when you say good bye (so if you come to Spain and someone tries to kiss you don't be scared hehehe).

2)siesta: the siesta is a short nap that we have after having lunch and it last normally half an hour. There are some people that don't do that, like Sergi, but I'm a very fan of it!! :P

mmm well, now I don't remember any other important custom, but as soon as I remember I'll post it :)

What are you most important customs? I would like to know more about your culture!

first lecture of Japanese characters

hola amigos!
let me explain how Japanese characters are composed:)

basically, we have 3 kinds of characters. im gonna explain them by using my name here.

first, we have a character called "kanji" which is a character from china. (its also called chinese character). for example, i can write my name as 高橋 萌.
there are many lines and looks very complicated (because its from china:P). each character has its own meaning. so, we mostly use "kanji" for independent words.
there are thousands of thousands of "kanji" and its impossible to remember all...i can say we learn at least 2000 of them when we graduate from high school.
second, we have a character called "hiragana" which is a simple form of "kanji". this is the ones from your pictures:) for example, i can write my name as たかはし もえ.
its really simple compared to "kanji", right?:) thats why all foreigners start learning Japanese from this. each character has no meaning, its mostly just for the sound.
so, we use "hiragana" basically for attached words.(like particles, auxiliary verbs, to help verbs something like that) there are 46 characters in "hiragana".

thirdly, we have a character called "katakana" which is also a simple form of "kanji". for example, i can write my name as タカハシ モエ. it looks sharp compared to "hiragana" which looks more rounded.
we have also 46 characters for this and each character has no meaning like "hiragana". so basically, you can think "hiragana" and "katakana" are the same but the form is just a little different.
we use this "katakana" mostly for the words from foreign country. so your names are written in "katakana" because they are foreign names.
Seigi is セルジ and Jordi is ジョルディ.

we use these 3 kinds of characters randomly in a sentence. why we have this complicated system? its from all the history. and it looks beautiful, right?;)
頑張って下さいね:) (Good luck!)

well...i hope it makes sense to you guys, amigos:) if you have any questions, just let me know and i'd be happy to answer them!

dimarts, 13 de setembre del 2011


El primer puesto

good evening! ---buenas tardes---こんばんは(kon-ban-wa)

my name is Saori---Mi nombre Saori---わたしの名前はさおりです(watashi-no-namae-ha-saori-desu)

Nice to meet you---Es un placer---お会いできてうれしいです(oai-dekite-ureshii-desu)

this is the first time to write this blog!
i would like to study Spanish and Englishi through this blog :)

next i'm plannin to post picture when i visited Spain !!

dilluns, 12 de setembre del 2011

inicio del dia

buenos dias..........good morning
he dormido muy bien/mal....I slept very well/badly
mama....5 minutos mas por favor.....mother .. 5 more minutes, please¡¡¡

Saori / moe your turn...

diumenge, 11 de setembre del 2011

Phrase of today

Nada es imposible.... Nothing is impossible... 不可能なものはない(hukanou na mono wa nai)

Now i need you to tell me how to say Nike one, Sergi;)

Food food

Raw fish bowl... 海鮮丼(kaisendon)...
in español?

That was delicious... 美味しかったです(oishikatta desu)... Que se deliious:)

dissabte, 10 de setembre del 2011

divendres, 9 de setembre del 2011

Let's talk!

¿Cómo estás?-------How are you?-----------お元気ですか?(O genkidesu ka?)
Adiós----------------Good bye-----------------さようなら (Sayōnara)
Grácias--------------Thank you---------------感謝 (Kansha)
Nos vemos pronto--I see you soon----------すぐにあなたを参照してください (Sugu ni anata o sanshō shite kudasai)

I'm not sure about the japanese translations, so I expect you correct my mistakes :)


mi primer diario:)

hello... 今日は(konnnichiwa)... hola:)
my name is Moe... 私の名前は萌です(watashi no namae wa moe desu)... mi nombre es Moe.
I'm from Japan... 日本から来ました(nihon kara kimashita)... yo soy de japon.
Nice to meet you... 初めまして(hajimemashite)... encantado de conocerte:)

currently I'm just a bigginer of studying espanol, but I hope this diario helps me to improve my espanol skills. also I hope it helps mis amigos to study Japanese:)!

mi maestro es en Barcelona... 私の先生はバルセロナにいます(watashi no sensei wa barcelona ni imasu)

hasta luego!


Mi nombre es..........................My name is.........................私の名前は
como te llamas?.........what is your name?.....あなたのお名前は何
Encantado de conocerte......nice to meet you...始めまして